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Scientific visit to the Department of Chemical Engineering to Al-Mustaqbal University College


On the basis of the memorandum of understanding between the University of Technology / Department of Chemical Engineering and Al-Mustaqbal University College, a scientific visit was made to Al-Mustaqbal University College in Babylon on Saturday, 2/12/2017 headed by the head of the Chemical Engineering Department Assist. Prof. Dr. Jamal Manee Ali Al-Rubeai and accompanied by the administrative deputy Lect. Dr. Walaa Abdul-Hadi, Prof. Dr. Qusay Fadel, and the head of Chemical Engineering and Oil Refining Branch Assist. Prof. Dr. Talib Mohammed Nayef. The objectives of the visit were to activate the memoranda of understanding that were previously signed between the two parties, including joint research between the two parties in addition to the implementation of the Engineering Education Conference in cooperation with the Iraqi Engineers union and the Committee of Deans of Engineering Colleges in Iraq.